*VERY IMPORTANT* When you are connected to VK-OzHUB please make sure you are not already connected to any other nodes or hubs. Multiple connections (piggy backed) to connected nodes or other hubs are NOT permitted on VK-OzHUB.

Linking of other networks via home nodes, RF, or any other means without permission is prohibited within the VK-OzHUB network.

VK-OzHUB has IP links to other hubs and other digital modes bridged so please leave breaks of at least 3 seconds between overs.
That way it allows other users that may want to join the QSO enough time to jump in, also it allows the network, hub & node timers to reset.

This hub has a time out timer of 4 minutes.
Also, you can double with other stations when using this hub, just like you can on an FM repeater, so please be aware of that.

Unlike other digital voice modes, no data is transmitted via the network so make sure you announce your call sign – but not required every over.


Bans and blocked users on the hub:
From time to time, it may be necessary for the VK-OzHUB Admins to block operator node numbers from the hub. To ensure transparency, the following process has been developed by the group.
There are two types of blocks:

  1. Administrative block: An administrative block is implemented when a VK-OzHUB administrator urgently needs to block a user’s node number due to network disruption. This typically occurs when a user inadvertently links two networks or when there is a microphone stuck open without a timeout, or is deliberately causing continuous transmission on the hub. When such incidents arise, an administrator will block the node number and attempt to contact the user through their QRZ page or local club to resolve the situation. Once the issue is resolved, the block will be removed.
  2. Punitive block: A punitive block is put in place as a result of conduct that violates the Telecommunications Act, LCD, VK-OzHUB rules, or social norms and is considered malicious and intentional. The decision to impose a punitive block is made by the majority of the VK-OzHUB Admin team. Whenever possible, a warning is issued to the user before implementing the block. However, in cases of severe misconduct, a block may be applied without prior notice. Punitive blocks are effective for a period of 90 days, during which a user has the right to appeal the block to the VK-OzHUB Admin team for consideration. If a user continues to exhibit poor behavior after the block is lifted, a lifetime block may be imposed at the discretion of the VK-OzHUB Admin team.

The VK-OzHUB Network is a community of amateur radio operators from all walks of life and backgrounds.

The Network prides itself on its strong and welcoming social community.

All using / accessing the VK-OzHUB Network agree to this short and simple Code of Conduct:

Be friendly and respectful to all. This includes, but is not limited to, members of any race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, colour, immigration status, social and economic class, educational level, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental and physical ability.

This Code of Conduct applies to all VK-OzHUB Network users but first and foremost to all of the permanently connected servers, nodes, repeaters and links on our system.

Thanks from your VK-OzHUB Admin Team: VK4NGA, VK3XEM & VK3ANT